As an herbal medicine practitioner Iselin is passionate about helping women reconnect to their bodies innate wisdo and the natural state of health and wellbeing that resides within.

Born on Tromoya, an island south in Norway, Iselin spent her childhood years immersed in nature surrounded by animals. She grew up with the forests and fields as her playground, and in many ways feels she was raised by Mother Nature.

Today Iselin lives in the Byron hinterlands at the east coast of Australia. She is a passionate practitioner of herbal medicine and medical astrology. Drawing from her experience as a child, where nature always seemed like the best medicine, Iselin assists her clients in finding harmony and balance through connecting the mind-body-spirit relationship, and with Earth as the ultimate healer.

Iselin works with plants and people through a holistic approach, emphasising the understanding of both the physical and energetic makeup of humans and herbs, and how these interact with one another. She has spent the last decade immersed in studies of nutrition, yoga, meditation, herbal medicine, fertility awareness and medical astrology, and has an approach to health that is holistic, earth-based and attainable.

You can work with Iselin through one-on-one sessions. These sessions are created to offer you practical tools and guidance upon your healing journey. Her approach weaves both western and eastern tradtions, modern research and traditional and ancestral forms of medicine to effectively support her clients with their individual needs.

”How to disconnect a woman from her power? Teach her to fear the places her power resides; her menstruation, orgasm, childbirth and menopause.

I imagine a world where girls are taught the magic of their blood, and the wisdom of their cycle.
A world where girls, and boys, are taught to honour and respect these cycles as the Source of all life.

I imagine a world where women know their right to pleasure. Confident in expressing their needs and desires, without fear of being shamed for it.
A world where all men are as focused on HER pleasure as he is on his own.

I imagine a world where women trust in their ability to birth and create life.
Where birth is woman-centred, and not put into the hands of a patriarchal system.
Birthing should happen in a similar environment to that which created the baby; not in a bright hospital room strapped to a bed.
A world that knows babies are B I R T H E D, and not delivered.

I imagine a world where women experience menopause as an empowering, ecstatic even, event.
A world and a people that values time and wisdom,
where the word “anti-aging” is gone from our vocabulary.
I imagine a world that truly honours women, the mothers,
The wisdom keepers,
The goddesses,
The Great Mother of all.”

- Iselin Stoylen



* Certificate in Advanced Herbal Studies, The Herbal Academy
* Certified Health Coach, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition
Trained Teacher in Fertility Awareness (FAM) APNA endorsed program
* Nutrition Educator, Cornell University
Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula, International Doula Institute
* Certified Childbirth Educator, International Doula Institute
Certified Breastfeeding Consultant, International Doula Institute
* Certified Perinatal Nutrition Educator, International Doula Institute
Registered Yoga Teacher 800hrs (Yoga Alliance Certified)