imagine a world

How to disconnect a woman from her power?

Teach her to shame the places her power resides; menstruation, orgasm, childbirth, menopause.


I imagine a world where girls are taught about the intricate wisdom of in their cycle.

A world where girls, and boys, are taught to honour and respect these cycles as the source of all life.

I imagine a world where women know their right to pleasure. Confident in expressing their needs- without fear of being shamed for it.

A world where all men are as focused on Her pleasure as he is on his own.

I imagine a world where women trust in their ability to birth and create life.

A time when birth is woman-centred; and not put into the hands of a patriarchal system.

A world where birth happens in a similar environment to that which created the baby; not in a bright hospital room strapped to a bed.

A world that knows babies are Birthed, and not delivered.

I imagine a world where women experience menopause as an empowering and transformational event.

A world that understands the devastating consequences of unnecessary hysterectomies (that is most of them!).

A world and a people that values time,

that values wisdom,

and where the word “anti-aging” is gone from our vocabulary- because aging is beautiful-

and we understand it is a privilege to grow older.

I imagine a world that

honours women;

the mothers,

the daughters,

the sisters,

The elders,

The wisdom keepers,

The great mother of all.